All In Your Head: Unlocking Your Hidden Potential with J Robert Parker - 2nd Floor..... Going Up!
In this community, we face challenges together, prioritizing resilience in our professional and personal lives. It's a space for first responders to learn, share experiences, and find strategies for managing pressures.
Kyle Goodknight

All In Your Head: Unlocking Your Hidden Potential with J Robert Parker - 2nd Floor..... Going Up!

S1 E3 • Sep 12, 2023 • 50 mins

Unlock your true potential with this special episode of the E11evate Podcast featuring J Robert Parker from Twin Ravens Solutions LLC! Certified hypnotherapists, success consultant, and life coach offer insights on overcoming fears, bad habits, and more.

Key Points

  • Hypnotherapy utilizes the subconscious mind, which regulates internal processes and associates emotions with memories, to create positive change and is scientifically observable through physiological changes.
  • The subconscious mind is more receptive to suggestions during the 30 minutes before sleep and upon waking, making this an optimal time for affirmations and setting intentions for personal growth.
  • EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a therapeutic technique similar to hypnotherapy that can help reprogram the brain's response to traumatic memories, aiding in the healing process.

Unlock your true potential with this special episode of the E11evate Podcast featuring J Robert Parker from Twin Ravens Solutions LLC! Certified hypnotherapists, success consultant, and life coach offer insights on overcoming fears, bad habits, and more. 

💡 What You'll Learn:

  • Hypnosis techniques for success
  • Unlocking the power of your subconscious
  • Benefits of hypnotherapy for leveling up

✅ About Twin Ravens Solutions LLC
Experts in hypnotherapy, success consulting, and life coaching offer remote, customized, and affordable solutions to help you transform your life. Book a free consultation today: 

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